Since beginning of 2023 we exclusively focus on personal coaching missions / Depuis début 2023 notre activité se focalise exclusivement sur le coaching personnel
One-to-one training sessions / Formations individuelles
Details below / détails ci-dessous :
Un aperçu de notre gamme 2023 :
5 ranges of products - 5 gammes de produits :
Purchasing/Quality/Projects/Sales/Personal Development - Achats/Qualité/Projets/Ventes/Développement Personnel
Purchasing - Achats
- Fondamentals : how to start in the purchasing function with main tools and methodologies
- Fonctional analysis and value analysis : how to optimize need formalization in order to increase value for customers, using utility diagrams for cost reduction
- Purchasing assistants : how to help purchasing teams and lead simple purchasing actions
- Purchasing for non-buyers : in small structures, ensure efficient purchasing without buyers
- Project purchasing : different kinds of purchasing projects, phases, milestones, time and ressources management tools
- Sub-contracting : legal aspects of sub-contracting in the frame of the 1975 french law
- Negotiation : how to prepare technical files, psychology, behaviour, and to lead negotiation meeting
- Purchasing marketing : how to build a strategic sourcing plan on a dedicated commodity
- Operational management of purchasing teams : how to build a purchasing department, manage resources, budgets and respects management norms
- Logistic aspects of purchasing : how to calculate inventories
- Purchasing legal aspects : legal risks of the supplier relationship, standard contracts
- Cost reduction tools
- Request for quotation : how to prepare requirement files, offer analysis grids, prepare negotiation objectives, select best offers
- Purchasing risk management : detect and manage purchasing and supplier risks
Quality - Qualité
- 5S : how to lead a 5S workshop
- Product and process FMEA
- Manage with processes : management processes in line with ISO 9001 v 2015 (New !)
- Supplier audit : how to buid an audit grid, a guide of interview
- Supplier "flash" audit : a few hours to lead a process supplier audit
- Supplier management system audit : purchasing topics, management system
- Run@rate : production capacity
- Supplier quality management : measure and improve supplier quality, choose relevant indicators, manage supplier relationship and use quality tools
- Problem solving methods : how to manage a supplier crisis and efficently communicate on how to solve the problem
Projects - Projets
- Fonctional analysis : how to lead a complete fonctional analysis, write a robust standard specification, pilot a FA project team, prepare a value analysis
- Value analysis : optimize value on R&D solutions, using utility and cost diagrams
- The Gantt diagram : how to use it and follow the project critical path, manage project ressources
Personal development - Développement personnel
- Communication and collaborative work : master bases of interpersonal communication, using transactional analysis, NLP and conflict management tools
- Personal coaching (1) : how to sell yourself, write a resume, prepare a "pitch" and master recruitment date
- Personal coaching (2) : manage your stress and implement personal methodologies for a better mental health
- Personal coaching (3) : how to create a well balanced mental health using sportive activities
- Mathematics : getting back to mathematic methodologies in order to solve usual problems in purchasing, quality or logistic management, ...
Sales - Ventes
- How to become an unavoidable supplier : how to handle positively every contact with your buyer, better know its processes for supplier selection and RFQ
LJC was a pioneer in the creation of the modules "Purchasing Marketing" and "Supplier Flash Audit" on the market of specialized trainings in purchasing. Some colleagues have not hesitated to
take ownership of these modules and to make a rather wide
publicity, thereby
demonstrating the validity of customer needs and the success
of our contents !
Regarding intellectual property, our modules under copyrights are registred at the INPI.
LJC a été précurseur dans la création des modules "marketing achats" et "audit flash fournisseur" sur le marché de la formation spécialisée en achats. Certains confrères n'ont d'ailleurs pas hésité à s'approprier ces modules et à en faire une publicité plutôt large, témoignant par là-même du bien fondé des besoins des clients et du succès de nos contenus !
En ce qui concerne la propriété intellectuelle, nos modules sous copyright LJC sont déposés à l'INPI.
LJC's training methodologies are focused on operational efficiency done by dedicated pedagogic engineering methodologies. Quality is at the top of our concerns. We guarantee the respect of successful courses by a constant update of our contents, in line with the returns of experience we have from each training session. Some of our contents are "digitally oriented" if needed. We include tools such as digital collaborative walls, engaging games, etc...
All our courses are custom made. We do not have a standard catalog because we believe that every customer deserves the utmost attention to the expression of its training needs. We propose, however, the items above, which are evolutionary and can be mixed together...
Nos méthodes de formation ciblent l'efficacité opérationnelle par l'ingénierie pédagogique mise en place. La qualité est la première de nos préoccupations. Le succès de nos formations provient de contenus continuellement mis à jour et enrichis des retours d'expérience de chaque stage. Certains contenus sont "digitaux", selon les besoins d'animation. Nous incluons des outils tels que les murs collaboratifs digitaux, les jeux collaboratifs, etc...
Tous nos contenus sont sur-mesures et focalisés sur le besoin du client. Nous proposons néanmoins les thématiques ci-dessus, qui sont évolutives et peuvent êtres mixées.